Born: c. 1910



Children: Arnout Hyde, Jr.

Arnout Hyde cured at 5 Shepard Avenue starting on November 28, 1944 according to a patient card; Dr. Francis Berger Trudeau was his doctor. His address was listed as 1105 Comstock Street, Richland, Washington, and his occupation, Chemical Engineer.

Hyde was working as a chemist for DuPont when he was brought into the Manhattan Project, in charge of supervising plutonium experiments, part of the war effort to develop a nuclear weapon. The family ended up in Hanford, Washington; not long after, he contracted tuberculosis. DuPont sent him to its cure cottage in Saranac Lake, where he recovered near the end of 1945 and the family rejoined him. Later, he moved back to West Virginia, where he worked on one of the nation’s first pollution abatement programs.



2012-11-24 22:24:30   E. L. Trudeau died in 1915, so could not have been Mr. Hyde's doctor in 1944. —MaryHotaling